Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 Here is a simple treatment Wallpaper of Grandpa. Black and White and in color. Put them on your monitor, phone background, print them, save them. Do what you want with them.

Sizes: 800x600 and 1680x1200

Wallpapers 43 Words

Forty Three words that remind me of grandpa. Look close and you can find some names but grandpa was known to like his cigs, black coffee and adult beverages.

Grandpa used to say "If you have to add a bunch of shit to your coffee to drink it, you really don't like coffee." He only added sugar. Grandpa used to leave cups with only a half inch left of cold black coffee everywhere and settled sugar at the bottom. As a kid I would seek them out and drink them all. I probably loved the sugar. I didnt really know what coffee was or that I shouldn't drink it.

sizes: 800x600 and 1680x1200

Grandpa and Family Pics

This is from a photo on Grandmas mantle of the whole family. Check out the awesome 980s fashion! I segregated grandpa in the second pic so I can draw him.

Virgil Pursley early days at McDonnell Douglas

Grandma gave me this picture of Grandpa Pursley. Guess who the cool guy is with the jet black hair and black jacket and Photoshopped halo?

"He was such a good looking handsome man. So many woman wanted him. But They couldn't have him because he was mine!" - Grandma Pursley